Stress is a silent killer that can affect your body, thoughts, feelings, and behavior. According to the Mayo Clinic, here are some common effects of stress:
Effects on the body: Headache, Muscle tension or pain, Chest pain, Fatigue, Change in sex drive, Stomach upset, Sleep problems, Getting sick easier due to a weaker immune system
Effects on the mood: Anxiety, Restlessness, Lack of motivation or focus, Memory problems, Feeling overwhelmed, Grumpiness or anger, Sadness or depression
Effects on your behavior: Overeating or undereating, Angry outbursts, Drug or alcohol misuse, and more.
But most importantly!
According to Dr. Buteyko, stress decreases carbon dioxide concentration in the lungs, which affects everything and can trigger various health problems.
The good news!
Relaxation is the remedy for stress. Learn how to breathe healthier to reduce stress! Learn how to relax to breathe better and prevent health problems. Join Sasha’s Joyful Journey to Health retreat to experience deep relaxation and learn how to create it at home.