Breathing patterns of Native Americans were superior to breathing of modern “civilized” people.
Were Native Americans mouth or nose breathers? One of our Buteyko specialists told me about a fascinating book published in London in 1882. It is called Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life and is available as a download. The author examined the health of about 150 various tribes primarily Native Americans. He found out that health-wise “wild people” were extremely superior to the “civilized” population. Why?
He determined the main factor and illustrated it with drawings. Here are drawings and a quote from George Catlin’s book:
“Shut-your-mouth! In the social transactions of life, this might have its beneficial results, as the most friendly, cautionary advice, or be received as the grossest of insults; but where I would paint and engarve it, in everyNursery, and on every Bed-post in the Universe, its meaning could not be mistaken; and if obeyed, its importance would soon be realized. “
Drawings From George Catlin’s Book “Shut Your Mouth And Save You Life”