August 2009
As mentioned by my husband Charles LaBarre, the Buteyko Breathing method came into our life by chance, but most probably with a purpose. Not suffering from asthma, my participation in the program was at the beginning mainly in support of my husband and his lung problems that doctors had not been able to diagnose conclusively. My amazement was great when I learnt about the many other possible healing effects the Buteyko Method can have on a great variety of health issues and imbalances.
I am just an ordinary person in reasonably good health, but with a number of things that are wrong with my health which is not surprising at my ripe age of 66. To my surprise I woke up to the fact that I have been a very intense hyperventilator all my life and have embarked on reconditioning myself to reduced nose breathing. Although my progress and improvement is not as spectacular as that of my husband, it is steady and very satisfying. After only 6 weeks of conscientiously practicing the method, my energy is better although I sleep less, the quality of my sleep is better and I am looking forward to other improvements that seem to announce themselves.
Thanks to the universe for this contact with the Buteyko Breathing Method and many thanks to Sasha and Thomas for sharing their expertise and knowledge and their invaluable help on our path to good health.
Doris Weber, Woodstock, NY