All Video Testimonials
Students of the Buteyko Breathing Method tell their stories. Learn how they tamed asthma and other breathing problems as well as other health issues.
January 15, 2011
Asthma Better Since Doing Buteyko Breathing Exercises
January 15, 2010
My Breathing Difficulties Were Stopped By The Buteyko Method *
December 19, 2009
Alternative Treatment For Asthma Gives You That Control *
December 15, 2009
Buteyko Natural Remedy Helps Stop Mouth-Breathing *
December 15, 2009
Buteyko Breathing: My Enlarged Adrenal Gland Has Shrunken
December 15, 2009
Asthma Improved 2-3 Weeks After Natural Breathing Treatment *
March 10, 2009