Learning Buteyko Breathing Was A Great Experience *

Hello Drakon and Sasha,

It’s 4:53 am and I’ve just done two 1/2 hour sets of Buteyko breathing exercises.  When I woke up my chest was tight and so did the first set.  After that I felt better but not sure I would be able to actually lay down and fall asleep so I did a second one.  Now I feel great.

Thank you both so much.  I had extremely high expectations for the workshop as I already practiced Buteyko and had had significant results in the past improving my asthma. I signed up for the Buteyko weekend workshop because I wanted inspiration and support to continue my practice and get myself off all asthma medication for good.

I’m confident I can do that now and I have you two (and all the great support people that were there this weekend) to thank.

I look forward to doing more but right now I’m not sure what that will be.  Maybe the Buteyko in Motion course or a couple online sessions, not sure.  I definitely want to come to Woodstock again.  It was a great experience.

Thank you!!!

Christine Schrempp

New York City


This is a true testimonial of a Breathing Center’s client; however, the results of application of the Buteyko Breathing Normalization method may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee identical results to everyone who contacts the Breathing Center. Also, please keep in mind that our services are educational, not medical. Buteyko Breathing Normalization Specialists are teachers and trainers, not medical doctors.

Breathing Center’s Staff