Until Discovering Breathing Normalization Nothing Helped My Asthma *

Just a year ago my breathing was very labored due to COPD and asthma. I couldn’t walk fifty feet without a great deal of discomfort. When I got off an airplane I would have to stop several times on the way to baggage claim, stairs in my house were avoided at all costs and so it went. I was taking several medications, some worked a little, I used inhalers when I was very uncomfortable… All of my doctors tried to help me but nothing was making me better; Symbicort has been the biggest help. But until I discovered the Buteyko Method and changed my lifestyle nothing seemed to help very much, I was feeling desperate and depressed.

A friend had recently begun a program of care with Buteyko for his asthma and was better, he had been asthmatic his whole life; I listened to his story and immediately drove up to Buteyko Breathing Center USA and signed up for treatment. Well it’s about 6 months later and I feel the best I have felt for years! I ride my bike over 30 miles per week, go to the gym three times a week, walk on the treadmill three to four times a week and do my Buteyko therapy every day. My breathing has improved dramatically… I have lost 25 pounds and will continue to reduce my weight. I have adapted my diet to exclude dairy, cheeses and other foods that can affect my breathing. This has become a welcome way of life, not a chore. I went on a bicycle trip with my wife and friends last weekend and rode over 40 miles. Now that’s progress!!

Yes, my life has changed since I decided to embrace the Buteyko holistic approach for COPD and asthma. If you have a breathing problem you can understand why many seemingly little things mean a lot. I go upstairs in my house spontaneously, not worrying about being out of breathe, I am going on a trip to see my daughter at 6000 feet above sea level, I can walk through the airport without running out of breathe, I entertain on stage with no breathing worries. Wow it just goes on and on! I still can’t run a marathon but I could ride 40 miles on my bike!

Herb Birch

President and CEO,

HBHMC Ocean City, NJ


This is a true testimonial of a Breathing Center’s client; however, the results of application of the Buteyko Breathing Normalization method may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee identical results to everyone who contacts the Breathing Center. Also, please keep in mind that our services are educational, not medical. Buteyko Breathing Normalization Specialists are teachers and trainers, not medical doctors.

Breathing Center’s Staff