Will Buteyko Breathing Normalization Training Work For Me? *

My energy went up tremendously and I don’t use my rescue inhalers anymore! The Buteyko Breathing Normalization course also changed the way I think about health in general. I realized how much breathing impacts everything in the body. This was a huge realization. I also developed the hope that I can get significantly better! I would recommend this program to anybody who has any diagnosis of any kind!

Sasha’s book Breathe To Heal: Break Free From Asthma helped me to understand the Buteyko Method but was overwhelming. One-on-one training when everything was customized for me, worked well for me.

Watch this video as Buteyko Specialist, Fred Brown reviews the multiple health improvements this Buteyko Breathing center’s student has made since taking the Buteyko Breathing Normalization training. She admits she had the false belief that it “wouldn’t work for her” but something told her to keep trying and it paid off. Trusting the process she was able to ditch her rescue inhaler and is confident she will only keep increasing her health. Listen now to hear what other benefits she received from the training and her advice to anyone considering taking the training.


This is a true testimonial of a Breathing Center’s client; however, the results of application of the Buteyko Breathing Normalization method may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee identical results to everyone who contacts the Breathing Center. Also, please keep in mind that our services are educational, not medical. Buteyko Breathing Normalization Specialists are teachers and trainers, not medical doctors.

Breathing Center’s Staff