My name is Rob and I’m from Brooklyn New York, and I have been working with Sasha Yakovleva at the Buteyko Breathing Center.
First, I started to realize that I had a serious health problem when I was in high school. I noticed that I was always much more tired than people around me to the point where I would be literally asleep in class. I just had no energy at all! I could not stay awake no matter what I did. This happened for several years and continued throughout college. In college, I started taking yoga classes and was introduced to the idea that breathing has a huge effect on your health. I was also introduced to nasal breathing and taught the importance of it; however, whenever I practiced yoga, I would feel really good afterward, but it was short-lived. In an hour or so after the class, I would feel pretty good, but then things would return to normal, so I knew I wasn’t there yet. I knew I hadn’t found the answer and it wasn’t until I got to graduate school that I started digging deeper into breathing and found the information about Dr. Buteyko and his work. At that point, I was introduced to the concept of nasal breathing 24/7 being very important and also I found the information about the process of taping your mouth closed when you sleep to make sure you breathe through your nose. That seemed like a brilliant solution at the time because I had seen some other solutions like mouth guard where you have to wear this big plastic thing on your teeth and there’s a shelf for your tongue where it keeps your mouth closed. I tried that; I spent $250 on that and it wasn’t comfortable – I just couldn’t wear it. I tried something else that would strap my mouth closed and that also didn’t work. Then I found the brilliant Buteyko solution to use tape: it’s simple and very effective. So, I started doing that and from the first night I did it, I noticed a difference. Since I was very young, I always would wake up with a dry, horrible, nasty feeling in my throat, my mouth, and teeth – it would feel dirty and disgusting! I never put together that it was because I was breathing through my mouth the whole night. When I started taping my mouth, that feeling went away. I stopped waking up with that dry throat anymore.
Back in high school, it didn’t matter how much I would sleep, I was always tired in the morning and if I slept more, sometimes I’d be more tired. I just did not understand why I was tired when everyone else seemed to be fine. I felt like there was something wrong with me, but I didn’t know what it was. It was life-changing when I found the information about Dr. Buteyko’s work and started taping my mouth closed at night. I felt such a big effect that I felt very enthusiastic about it and told everyone around about taping. Of course, they look at me like I was crazy; however, a few of my open-minded friends tried it, and they said, ‘Wow! This really does do something! I feel a lot better in the morning!’ They experienced that their nasal passages were more open and they felt nice and clean. From that point on, I just knew that there was something there, something really valuable that I needed to investigate further… (Watch the video testimonial for more information)
Robert Operman
New York