Dear “Dr. Thomas,”
Three weeks ago, before we first spoke, I felt that my life was about to end, I had constant asthma, a lot of wheezing and I was very short of breath. I couldn’t even walk up the stairs in my own house; much less ride my bicycle. I felt as if I never slept through the night. I might get 3 hours but I woke up “in trouble” several times a night. Believe me, I was under a lot of stress and scared by not being able to breathe.
Today after several phone conversations with you and following your advice the best I can, I feel a lot better! I am learning how to breathe correctly and last night I was able to sleep a full 5-6 hours. I can only imagine what is going to happen when I formally start my first course this week. I am learning to control my asthma. I want to thank you for all of your time and advice which you have donated to me as I arrange my finances. I also want to thank you for the warmth and caring in your voice when you talk to me. You are an inspiration, thank you again.
By the way; I now have no more wheezing. Gracias Amigo!
A happy and content client,
Edwardo Diaz
Orlando, Florida