Breathing Problems? You Can Stop Them by Breathing Exercises *

Cough, Mucus, Steroids, And Rescue Inhalers Were His Companions. What about now?

This is a story of an asthmatic man who was not able to exercise without having coughing fits, mucus, and taking several types of medication. Eight years ago, after reading The New York Times article about Breathing Center, he took our Buteyko Breathing Normalization Training and was able to stop taking his medication. Most importantly, since then he has never again suffered from asthma or any breathing difficulties. Now, being in his 60s, he enjoys his active lifestyle, strong health, and asthma-free life.


This is a true testimonial of a Breathing Center’s client; however, the results of application of the Buteyko Breathing Normalization method may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee identical results to everyone who contacts the Breathing Center. Also, please keep in mind that our services are educational, not medical. Buteyko Breathing Normalization Specialists are teachers and trainers, not medical doctors.

Breathing Center’s Staff