January 15, 2010
My Breathing Difficulties Were Stopped By The Buteyko Method *
January 6, 2010
Buteyko Breathing Course Online Improved My Overall Health *
December 28, 2009
Natural and Holistic Aid For Eczema and Skin Problems *
December 28, 2009
I Discovered Buteyko – A Holistic Anxiety Treatment And My 2nd Chance *
December 28, 2009
Breath Holding Helped My Breathing Become Better
December 19, 2009
Asthma Meds Reduced Since Buteyko Breathing Normalization *
December 19, 2009
Alternative Treatment For Asthma Gives You That Control *
December 15, 2009
Buteyko Natural Remedy Helps Stop Mouth-Breathing *
December 15, 2009
Buteyko Breathing: My Enlarged Adrenal Gland Has Shrunken
December 15, 2009